Services and Pricing

Penn State turf pest diagnostic lab

Standard services

additional services

Pesticide resistance $275

Screen your insects, weed species, or plant pathogens for resistance across individual pesticides to develop resistance management programs.

endophyte screening $275

Screening for naturally occuring symbiotic endophytes in individual turfgrass plants. Endophytes are beneficial bacteria or fungi within plants.

MOLECULAR Pathogen detection $225

Identification of pathogens in turfgrass systems at the molecular level. This service allows for the early detection of pathogens in turf systems.

DNA Sequencing $175

Sequence pathogen DNA to identify the turfgrass pest to the species level. Screening uses known molecular primers for speciation. 


“Penn State has always been the leader in pest management services and continues to evolve their offerings to meet the needs of various clientele throughout the turf industry. Their scouting and laboratory diagnostics, research, and consultation are integral pieces to our fundamental integrated pest management programs at Oakmont Country Club. Their portfolio of services not only provide Oakmont with real-world solutions, but also great value.”

David Delsandro, Golf Course Superintendent @ Oakmont Country Club

"We can sleep better at night knowing that the Diagnostic Lab at Penn State will turn our disease samples around quickly and have answers to us with actionable plans."

Pete Wendt, Director of Golf Courses and Grounds @ Congressional Country Club

"The Penn State Diagnostic Lab has been a tremendous resource for us at Butler Country Club. If we are not 100% sure of what we are looking at in the field, we will send samples out to the lab for confirmation because we cannot waste time and money spraying incorrect pesticides. We trust the fantastic services they provide."

Micah Lowell, Golf Course Superintendent @ Butler Country Club